
Showing posts from March, 2017

Out Like a Lion

March has almost come and gone and I swear, it started yesterday! By the way, I'm aware that the saying is "In like a lion, out like a lamb". Well, March did come in like a lion as the winds blew and the trees swayed, and it looks like it'll be going out with a couple days of rain. Me, however, I came into the month lazy as a lamb and am now fighting like a lion to make sure things are done. This girl has big plans for April! Very excited to see them under way. Even though I'm bothered by the fact that it's already going to be April. Holy crap... Last year the published, Torquere, closed their doors. In late January/early February another of my publishers closed their doors. There will be no more selling to Wayward Ink. Though I am saddened by this I have at least found a publisher willing to take the short stories as a collection, just have to add a few new pieces to make it enticing to readers. So if you haven't yet purchased any of my work, there will...