A New Year, Some New Goals

Now that 2017 is upon us I have gone back to take a gander at the list I put together at the start of 2016. These were goals related to my writing that I had hoped to meet over the last 12 months. Truth is, I probably didn't stick to it as well as I wanted to, but I think the list is good enough to carry over into this year, with a few minor updates. I've also got a few personal goals that I would like to tackle as well. So let's get the ball rolling...

  1. Write More (From last year)
    I did fairly decent on this one and it will always be at the top of the list. If I don't constantly write, I don't get anywhere! And I go slightly crazy.
  2. Publish More (from last year)
    My goal was to sell more stories in 2016 than I did in 2015; which was 13. Well, I suppose I can't complain when it turns out I sold 13 last year. I want to up that this year so I'm shooting for 20+.
  3. Finish 3 Novels
    This is sort of like a goal from last year, but tweaked. Turns out I got too busy to manage 1 novel every 2 months. I think this might be more manageable. I've already got three novels in progress. If I meet my initial goal, I'll up the count.
  4. Finish 6 Novellas
    Another one tweaked from last year because again, 1 novella every 2 months didn't work out. Thanks to a publisher that really believes in my writing I should be able to achieve this one with no problem whatsoever. But there are a lot of pieces I want to rewrite that will at least reach novella length. This should be an easy enough goal.
  5. Publish in Another Genre (from last year)
    This one I did actually manage to pull off, thanks to a publisher purchasing 2 of my horror short stories. It's on the list again because I'd like to see about publishing scifi, fantasy/urban fantasy, children's, and crime/mystery.
  6. Build My Horror Profile
    Riding on the coattails of the goal above, I want to increase the amount of horror stories I sell. I'm currently working on what might be the beginning of a series of horror novellas.
  7. Publish A Novel (from last year)
    Yep, I still haven't pulled this one off. However, I have a good feeling that 2017 will be the year!

As for personal goals, they're still under works. That list will come at a later date.

Now for what I've been working on. I'm slowly making my way through In His Arms, Born of Stars, Painted Petals, Rarity Island, and a fantasy piece to be named later. The schedule I've put together is fairly intense and doesn't leave too much time for other things, but let's be honest, I'm tired of my day job and desperate to make a living as a writer. That means write, write, write!


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