A New Journey

Welcome! I have been toying with the idea of starting a proper blog to share my experiences as a writer with other people. Of course, this blog won't be ultra fabulous because I'm not Stephen King or JK Rowling or any one of those other fancy-schmancy big named authors. I'm just little ole me and have basically only started in the writing world.

Actually, I've been toiling away for more than a decade on this dream, dealing with the crushing downs and the ultra cool highs. My first story was published back in 2013, sold to a small press and available only as an ebook. Grave Appeal, my first ever attempt at writing romance and go figure, it landed me a sale! My close friends know that writing romance was never really in my cards, I'm more an urban fantasy kind of girl, but it seems I have a knack for the romantic genre. Since the selling of that one wee story I have published 12 others with 6 different publishers.

Okay, to be fair, some of them aren't out yet as they were just sold within the last two months, but that is nothing more than a technicality!

There is actually one being released on Wednesday; which happens to coincide with my older brother's birthday.

This isn't much of a first blog, forgive me for that. I have 2 stories sitting in my inbox waiting to be edited, a story to finish before deadline, and a contract to go over. Plus a series idea to get all typed up and sent to one of my publishers with hopes of another sell. Keep your fingers crossed that this is just the beginning!

After all, everyone needs a little romance....


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