
Oh, it's been almost a month since my last post! Sorry! The task of writing has kept me fairly busy and I finally found some time to sneak in an update. Of course, there have been other things going on besides putting words on paper (the screen?). There has been a deal of hurt caused by the betrayal of a friend, feeling let down by my brother, and the passing of a horse I worked with briefly (what a sad story!). But through it all I managed to keep some form of sanity by retreating into my writing.

Now I'm not quite sure how it happened by I only put out 2 stories in March. Weird. I could have sworn I wrote more than that! Did the month really just go by so fast I was unable to get more work done? Who knows. Maybe I'm forgetting something?

I've been trying to keep track of the word count for each month along with the stories sent out on submission. Here's the breakdown.

January - 11,268 words/5 stories (none published, mostly for contests and 4 didn't make the cut)
February - 23,219 words/4 stories (2 rejected, 2 picked up for publishing)
March - 13,145 words/2 stories (1 picked up, 1 being considered)

April is, of course, still in progress. I've sent out one story and it has already been snatched up by the publisher. They're one of my favorite publishers to write for because of their quick turn around process. I usually have an answer in less than 3 days and that's awesome. Waiting for a long time is mildly annoying.

So,in regards to the recently sold stories. I managed to find a home for Blackstone Manor and Bloodstained Heart in less than 24 hours of each other. Talk about a desperately needed pick me up! I'm hoping the first will be the beginning of a trilogy. I do need to speak with the editor to see what she says, however. And the second story is my first attempt at a zombie romance (and also named after one of my favorite Darren Hayes songs).

I have really big plans for April and because of recent troubles I'm more determined than ever so watch out!

And I'm just going to leave this here...

Oh! I also finally have a tentative release date for The Tailor; sometime in June. Yay! The above short story I believe is out in May. 


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