Absence Spurred by Writing

Sorry I've been away. Guess you could say that it was the written word that kept me busy. There has also been some unhappy news on the non-writing side of things. Turns out I may be loosing one of my furry friends this week; which is utterly heart breaking. My adorable (appropriately named black cat Frodo) may have cancer. He's going into the vet on Wednesday for a closer look. I love him. My critters mean the world to me and it just... I don't want to think of him going so I shall keep my fingers crossed that he's going to be okay. It's not as bad as the vet says...

On to the writing bits.

Guess what?? They liked the rewritten The Christmas Foal!! Yay! And they're interested in the rest of the series as well. Super excited about it. Sure, it won't come out until February, but you know what that means? I have time to get a few more of the novellas done, like 3 or 4 of the 6. Can I just say it again and again? The contract hasn't officially been signed but I've sold a series of novellas!!! This is just ever so super exciting.

I'm also sending in the last of my gargoyle stories featuring Io and Cinder. I can't believe they're done.

Next up, finishing a Scottish romance for one publisher in hopes they like it. Still waiting to hear back on the North Dakota story they were sent. Once this story goes out my schedule sort of lightens up; which is just what I've been waiting for. This means I will have time to work on the first book in the series of horror novellas I've been planning, can get R3wr1tt3n finished, and continue to work on my novel, Born of Stars. Of course, I'll keep working on my short stories here and there, and I would like to get back to my romance novel, Leaving Hoof Prints to see about getting it done. Can you believe that I reached 30,000 out of the intended 55,000 and just stopped working on it? I'm nuts!

Oh yeah! My 2 horror stories are available. Yay! Now to just keep publishing outside of romance. One story at a time.


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