Goodbye January, Hello February

How is that a month of 2017 has already gone by? When did that happen? It was an interesting 31 days that included going to the movies, getting sick, arguing with my boss (I'm sure she hates my guts, whatever), and lots of writing. Unfortunately, there wasn't much in the way of snow. This girl is still waiting for her first blizzard. Of course, the highlight of the month was my interview with USA Today's Happily Ever After blog. Yay! And then I got some tweets and mentions by Sinfully Gay Romance Reviews; which was equally as awesome. Here's to hoping that both of them help out my sales and in building my name.

So how did January go for me? (I'm going to try a new set-up here...)

January's Writing in Review

The month didn't start off with much promise. I was sick and that put me behind, plus a lifestyle change left me fairly tired. That left me scrambling the last two weeks or so to get my work done by deadlines. But I learned I was up to the task if I focused and blocked out the rest of the world (sorry to my family and friends!). I'm glad to report that in a week I finished a 12,000 gay romance. The story was not what I originally planned to write, but it's what came out. I also finished touching up the second Sugarbush novella and whipped out a quick horror short.

Submissions/Sales for January

Two previously written short stories were sent out first; haven't heard back on either of them yet. As mentioned, there was the 12,000 words gay romance, Pieces of Us, that got submitted and then sold in roughly a day. That made me exceptionally happy, especially since I thought the piece might be too touchy/angsty/depressing. I also sold the short story I mentioned above, I See You. This make my 3 published horror story. Am I the only one that finds it weird that I've been selling romance like hotcakes and boom, now I can sell horror? From sweet to creepy. Maybe that sums me up!

Recent Releases

Available via Totally Bound. Don't miss the beginning of the Sugarbush Creek Series!

Another of my gay romances. I am very pleased and in love with this story. <3 Please check it out. Buy a copy! It's kind of my first zombie story, too.

February Goals

Now that we'v entered a new month I have new goals, not all of a writing nature. While I'm also hoping to be neater and lose a touch more weight, I also have a number of stories that I want to see done. The primary work I'm hoping to complete this month is:

  1. Sugarbush 3
  2. Rarity Island (a horror novella, hopefully the first in a series)
  3. In His Arms (shooting to get 50,000 words done in this novel)
Other pieces I would like to see done include:

  1. Stay a Little Longer (romance novella)
  2. "Space obituary" (horror novella)
  3. "Coming Home" (romance novelette)
  4. Any number of short stories

So here's to February! Let's go out and conquer the shortest month of the year!


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