Counting the Days

Maybe it's just my job but the days seem to be going by much too quickly and I haven't yet covered the ground I hoped to with my writing. I keep promising myself that I will be more disciplined, focused, get the work done in a timely manner, and instead I wind up spending my down time relaxing. Such is the pitfall of working so many hours.

I wanted to have Leaving Hoof Prints done by now. Thanks to my mom I have a printed copy of the novel to read at my leisure; which hasn't yet happened, though I've figured out how to change the opening. That counts as progress, right? Never mind the fact I haven't yet actually written the new opening sequence. It'll happen!

At present I am seeking to finish a 10,000 words short story with a quickly followed up 5,000 words short story. Both gay romance.

There are two pieces that need to be done in March. One of them is a highly anticipated (at least on my part) new Samuel and Flynn story. Just need to find the perfect "sin" title.

Nothing has sold yet this year. To be fair most of the submitted pieces in January went to contests and those results aren't due for another few months. Two of the stories I wrote have been turned down mainly because the magazine is no longer going to be publishing. I was a touch disappointed about this at first, then remembered that I told myself should the stories be turned down I would see about turning them into a novella. Both short stories involved the same gay couple. Needless to say this project has joined the long list of others waiting for my attention.

As per usual I keep making lists to help me stay on track of things. Do they really work? I have no idea.

All I know is that Bloodstained Heart is due to the publisher by the 28th and I'm half way done. Must get to work!


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