Chasing a Heart's Desire

Yet again time has slipped away from me and I find myself lax in keeping this blog up-to-date. Such is life when you're stuck working a day job at 40+ hours a week. But this isn't a place for me to vent about my unhappiness there, this is for writing! Lots and lots of delicious writing. Which is another reason why I haven't been here. So where do I start on what has been going 'round my end of the keyboard?

I may have put out only 2 stories in March, but able to shove 8 out the door in April. To be fair, 4 were old pieces that I hoped to find homes for. No such luck. 3 of them I have no word on and 1 has sold. So for April I managed to get out 21,867 words. Definitely not a shabby way to spend the month of April. One of the pieces that went out was A Rescued Heart. Finally. Only took me forever to see it done. Fingers crossed! Selling it would officially make it my longest piece. Unless of course I manage to finish The Christmas Foal and sell it first.

My sold count is at 4 for the year.

Lots of projects in the works, as per usual. In a few days I should have Love Speaks and Heart's Triumph out the door. The second is the sequel to Blackstone Manor and there might be a third. There should be... Also working on finishing up the The Christmas Foal rewrite and putting miles on my novel, When Snow Falls. There will also be a couple of short stories. There always are, though.

And in my completely crazy mind I have compiled a list of projects to get done by July 1st. Oh yes, this should be an interest time. I'm not going to get upset if things don't get done, but I do plan to work my booty off.

  1. Heart's Triumph (book 2 of the Blackstone Manor Series)
  2. Promised (book 3 of the Blackstone Manor Series)
  3. Leaving Hoof Prints
  4. Paradise Road (novel)
  5. Paradise Road (script)
  6. When the Snow Falls
  7. The Christmas Foal
  8. Things that Matter
  9. Stay a Little Longer
  10. The Accidental Corpse
  11. A Christmas middle grade novel
  12. A construction romance
  13. Hearts & Horses series write up
  14. Sugarbush series write up
  15. "Stay Longer" series write up
  16. Stone Ranch series write up
  17. Chronicles of Socha series write up
  18. "Love Drug" trilogy outline
  19. Madyson Grant series outline
  20. "In His Arms" series outline
  21. Fairytale rewrite #1 outline
  22. Fairytale rewrite #2 outline
  23. Postal mystery outline
Yeah, there's a good chance I've gone bonkers. But I'm never going to get where I want to be without buckling down and getting these projects done and out the door.

Next blog I promise to update my 2016 writing goals.


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