Goals and Accomplishments

The holiday season keeps me fairly busy, though I suppose it's that way with just about everyone else. There is just so much to do. My only issue is the serious lack of snow this winter. I've always been a cold weather kind of gal and while others may be enjoying the mild temps this December, I am most definitely not! There have also been a few snags with the decorating, between not having a tree (thanks to a friend we do have one now!) and the weather damaging my outdoor pieces.

My back is a big problem right now, too, which makes writing an easy go-to task. Like this girl needs more reasons to write!

Speaking of which, I would like to pay an excited thank you to both Wayward Ink and Bold Stroke Books for purchasing short stories from me this month. Wayward Ink is an incredible publisher and I love working with them. I look forward to working with Bold Stroke for the first time; the cover for their anthology is one I definitely love.

As I go along this journey to being an author I have checked off another first: writing a guest blog. Let's see how well that goes over...

Being back on Twitter is fun, to a degree. Most of the people I'm following are actors I adore and a select few musicians and of course, authors. Lee Goldberg and I have exchanged a few private messages; which is neat. For me I've always wanted to be an author that makes time for her fans, it's important to me. Last night I made a tweet in regards to a Robin Dunne movie I was watching on Hallmark. Allow me to be a smidgen excited that he totally liked my tweet! He was my favorite character on "Sanctuary" and the movie is absolutely romantic. Do you think if I drop enough hints to my future guy he'll do something similar?

Okay, we've talked about the accomplishments, now for the goals.

I desperately need to finish A Rescued Heart. It has been in the works far too long and should I manage to sell it to the publisher I've earmarked it will be my most important sale to date. Fingers crossed. There are 7 short pieces I would also like to get done. All before Christmas. Yep, I'm that kind of crazy. This is because I have officially decided that after the holiday I will be focusing more on lengthier stories. In 2016 I want to sell my first novel.

And the story I have in mind would be perfect for a holiday Hallmark movie. Hint, hint!


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