My story, A Spark in the Shadows, is featured in this wonderful collection put out by Wayward Ink Publishing. It's my second story (if my memory recalls correctly) with them and I'm so pleased to continue working with them (I have edits!). They're an amazing publisher, friendly, and always pleasant to work with.

Now, as to the story, it's a lovely little supernatural piece about the werewolf Warden and his intriguing hot boyfriend (and criminal!) Tate. I'm very pleased to report that it has been getting great reviews; which has helped to make this depressing holiday season a bit cheerier. Here are a few of my favorites...

"This was one paranormal tale I just devoured. Warden and Tate make such an odd pair, you can’t help but fall under their spell. What would generally be characters fighting on opposing sides find their way to each other through a dark and mysterious world of supernaturals. Its a story about finding love, but above all, finding a home." Eyes on Books

"This story is a wonderful take on the insta-love werewolf theme, with the added bonus that the lover involved was also otherworldly. Warden has been trying to live his own life but his world has been turned upside down by Tate. He needs to rethink his moral compass for the sake of love. The romance is electric, but the sex is mostly left to the imagination or perhaps a future serial." Land of the Book Fairies
"A spark in the shadows by Kassandra Lea was a sweet, endearing little fantasy piece with two rather unique characters who most certainly could have been considered an odd couple. This was tantalizing and fluffy in a wonderfully delicious way. Certainly two characters I would love to see appear in a bigger story. I love the world that was portrayed here and would enjoy seeing much more of it as well." Rainbow Lyrics
If you haven't gotten yourself a copy, make sure you do!!


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