My story, A Spark in the Shadows, is featured in this wonderful collection put out by Wayward Ink Publishing. It's my second story (if my memory recalls correctly) with them and I'm so pleased to continue working with them (I have edits!). They're an amazing publisher, friendly, and always pleasant to work with. Now, as to the story, it's a lovely little supernatural piece about the werewolf Warden and his intriguing hot boyfriend (and criminal!) Tate. I'm very pleased to report that it has been getting great reviews; which has helped to make this depressing holiday season a bit cheerier. Here are a few of my favorites... "This was one paranormal tale I just devoured. Warden and Tate make such an odd pair, you can’t help but fall under their spell. What would generally be characters fighting on opposing sides find their way to each other through a dark and mysterious world of supernaturals. Its a story about finding love, but above all, finding a home....
Showing posts from 2015
Time Lost
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Unfortunately, I've been down and out for little over a week now thanks to a bad back. It seems I may have been suffering from sciatica. The pain has been terrible and for the most part I've been laying on the couch trying to find some comfort. So there hasn't been much in the way of writing. Crap. Now I'm behind on my schedule. Hoping to get a lot of pieces done before the end of 2015 so that I can finish the year strong. Keeping my fingers crossed that I manage to accomplish a short list of projects. Especially since a number of them have to be done by the end of the month anyway. Yeah, it's going to be crush time! The next 4 days are going to be filled with writing, wrapping gifts, baking, and working. Good thing I get to relax on Christmas. In other news... I have received some edits for Kiss of the South and The Tailor. Need to get those done and out the door as soon as possible, too. So there is definitely lots to get done. Keeping my fingers crossed ...
Goals and Accomplishments
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The holiday season keeps me fairly busy, though I suppose it's that way with just about everyone else. There is just so much to do. My only issue is the serious lack of snow this winter. I've always been a cold weather kind of gal and while others may be enjoying the mild temps this December, I am most definitely not! There have also been a few snags with the decorating, between not having a tree (thanks to a friend we do have one now!) and the weather damaging my outdoor pieces. My back is a big problem right now, too, which makes writing an easy go-to task. Like this girl needs more reasons to write! Speaking of which, I would like to pay an excited thank you to both Wayward Ink and Bold Stroke Books for purchasing short stories from me this month. Wayward Ink is an incredible publisher and I love working with them. I look forward to working with Bold Stroke for the first time; the cover for their anthology is one I definitely love. As I go along this journey to being a...
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It's that time of the year again, Turkey Day. Otherwise known as the day I stuff myself silly and actually get to see my brother. And as everyone else does I think about the things I am most thankful for on this day (though trust me, it doesn't hurt to do that any other day of the week). This year, however, I have to admit to being somewhat low while still trying to enjoy the blessings. This year I thought I was going to have something extra special to be thankful for, but instead that something special has left me...confused. Torn up. Sad. The holidays are an emotionally charged time for me and I suppose even more so this year. Depression still has a horrible stigma attached to it; which is a shame. People suffer. Some of them in silent. So definitely remember to reach out, to let your loved ones know how much you need them in your life, etc. And never underestimate the little gestures, they can mean the whole world.
Book Tour
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The first review (that I'm aware of) for the Love in a Uniform anthology has come out. My story is titled Let it Hurt. For this one I decided to go emotional, as pointed out by the reviewer. "Whew…heavy and emotional. We do get a great ending but it hurt a little to get there." BFD Book Blog Tour Stop
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I took the above picture early this morning. First snow of the season. And though it was beautiful it also made me cry. It took me swiftly down memory lane (to be fair the memories aren't that distant) and the fragile pieces of my heart began to fall apart again. I have been in an emotional place these last two or three weeks and I suspect it'll linger through the holidays. There's a story here, trust me, and it's one I am hoping to eventually get written up as a novel. Most likely while listening to a lot of Adele, since her music makes for a great emotional soundtrack. At present I'm just trying to get all my ducks in a row, make sure I can go forth with the project. Wouldn't want to get the whole thing written up and find out I wasted my time, what good would that do? And when it comes to'll understand why the snow makes me cry.
Another Development
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And now I'm officially on GoodReads. This is all quite exciting. Minor things, mind you, but exciting to me! Making dreams come true, baby. Also, I'm waiting (rather impatiently) for the print form of two anthologies to come in the mail. Cowboy Roundup by JMS Books and Haunted Hotties volume 1 by Torquere Press are both available in actual hold-in-your-hands-print form. And I can't wait for my copies to get here! I'm sure holding one of my stories in a physical book will be as awesome as Totally Bound creating my first book cover.
For the Love of Writing
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I've been trying to think of something to write for days, but my mind has been so very faraway. One idea was to do a lengthy blog musing on the subject of love, scrap that. Instead I suppose I can ramble on about stories. Today my newest short story, Let It Hurt, was released through Torquere Press. Yay! I have at least one more coming out via them this year and hopefully I can sell them a couple more. There are a few other stories being released in the next two months from various publishers; very excited! And I eagerly await word on a series I submitted. Currently I'm working on a twisted fairytale and following that up with a mixed race couple. Also knee deep in a very emotional novel that I will (fingers crossed) have done super quickly. Later this afternoon, into the evening, I will sit down with a treat, curled up on the couch with my fuzzy companions, and work on some outlines. It hasn't been the greatest week so I've taken to burying myself in writing pr...
What I Want
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The other day it came up in conversation that someone had gone to school for a subject, graduated, all that jazz, only to now be unsure if that's what they want. I suppose that actually happens a lot. For more than a decade I have been chasing the same dream; to be a published author. I want to find my books on the shelves of bookstores. If one of them happens to get turned into a movie, even just on TV, that would be ultimately awesome. Even better, the fame of JK Rowling with the career of Stephen King. Hey, I'm writer, don't blame me for letting my imagination go crazy!! Honestly, though, if I can just support myself with my writing I'll be exceptionally happy. Now, in regards to doing something and finding out it's not what you want...Even with all the paperwork (author info, book info, marketing, etc), contracts, edits, and whatnot I can still say wholeheartedly that being a writer is what I want. Yes, I'm aware that should things work out I will have b...
A New Journey
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Welcome! I have been toying with the idea of starting a proper blog to share my experiences as a writer with other people. Of course, this blog won't be ultra fabulous because I'm not Stephen King or JK Rowling or any one of those other fancy-schmancy big named authors. I'm just little ole me and have basically only started in the writing world. Actually, I've been toiling away for more than a decade on this dream, dealing with the crushing downs and the ultra cool highs. My first story was published back in 2013, sold to a small press and available only as an ebook. Grave Appeal , my first ever attempt at writing romance and go figure, it landed me a sale! My close friends know that writing romance was never really in my cards, I'm more an urban fantasy kind of girl, but it seems I have a knack for the romantic genre. Since the selling of that one wee story I have published 12 others with 6 different publishers. Okay, to be fair, some of them aren't out yet...